Sunday, November 9, 2008

liar liar pants on fire

sometimes people get suckered into crappy television, but i don't have cable thusly i get suckered into crappy internet articles

True lie #3: The more attractive you are, the more people will lie to youSocial psychologists Wade Rowatt, Michael Cunningham, and Perri Druen showed people photos of possible dates who were either considered to be very attractive or rather unattractive. Along with each picture was info about the person’s beliefs and preferences. When subjects were asked who they thought they’d get along with on a date, subjects lied most about their own beliefs and characteristics when faced with the prospect of an attractive date

True lie #7:Think liars don’t care about other people? Often, just the opposite is the caseOne of our stereotypes about liars is that they’re cold, scheming, manipulative, and don’t really care about people. Some liars really are that way. But far more people lie because they do care. Liars are frequently tempted to fib when they think that other people would not like them just the way they are. So they lie and pretend to be different so that other people will like, respect, or care about them more.

True lie #9: Even after lying to their romantic partners, liars claim that they are not bad peopleKaplar and Gordon found that people who lie to their romantic partners do typically feel guilty about their lies. But they do not think that they are bad or even dishonest people. Instead, they think of themselves as basically honest people who got caught in a bad situation.

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