Sunday, April 5, 2009

Roast Beef and Resistance

whenever i think about all the shit i need to get done i feel like i'm going to vomit
i hate looking at my inboxes
always with the procrastination and putting off of responsibilities

last night was the feminist salon
i'd say it was very successful
there was A LOT of food -- karina brought goodies from yabba pot
we talked and laughed the whole time, we felt bad for aggie in ITTY BITTY TITTY COMMITTEE
good movie, good soundtrack, lots of lesbian actresses
we played loaded questions, tig ol' bitties
after, i decided to stay the night with brie, sarah, and shawn
we watched shortbus
we had doritos and cupcakes for breakfast

its fucking beautiful outside

as for updates, i performed in the vagina monologues, it ruled
people cheered some nights for me
i realized during my piece about FGM my nipples were hard
i mean it was cold! and i was nervous!
oh well

on the last night we all went to bourban st for lesbian night
most of the chicks i know are gay, everybody i know loves women
i drank, for the first time in i dunno, months
i puked, it sucked
at least i waited till i got home and stayed safe otherwise
becca's phone got broke and her keys got locked in her car, she was completely sober, but when everyone else is freaking nuts and pretty shwasted then shit happens

oh, P.S. spring break pretty much sucked.
talk about the worst sinus issues ever
i have to reconsider surgery now, i spent more than half the break in fucking bed, hating my life and being completely unproductive
apparently i have a "complex deviated septum" it blocks off my sinuses on 2 sides resulting in my chronic sinusitis
i have to take nasal steroids

but the last 3 days of break ruled!
mass hysteri and max levine
15 mile bike ride to DC from CP with tim
Geppi's pop culture museum, tons of comics and laser guns

i'm really bad at trying to assert my independence without being mean
i should work on that
i hate being mean
but sometimes its easier than facing everything else thats wrong with me

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