Tuesday, November 18, 2008

mater: fr. Latin. meaning mother

this is a material world

"i will sleep
to mold a mask of dreams
to wear to tomorrow's festival

no one will recognize me
they will all mistake me
for someone other
than themselves"

"i once wrote out of loneliness
and into it

please, not now, love
i'm suffering

somebody dipped this soul
in Christian batter
fried it

and then
made the mistake
of trying to serve it back to me

as if
i wouldn't taste my own being
obscured by a confectionery sugar"

"invisible scars
take the longest
to heal"

I love Saul Williams the poems and beat poetry, both. Don't make me have to explain it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmmm.... fried soul..... *drooooool*