Sunday, November 2, 2008

she didn't even blink

i'm not very affectionate person
and i'm sorry to say it
i just find human touch to be unsettling sometimes
my mother is the same way
if i really like a person its more than automatic, somewhat complusive to be affectionate, but that person really has to matter.

so i have come to greatly admire my cousin rachel. who is overly affectionate in all the right ways. shes heartwarming and loving and i love being around her.
something that has always impressed me was the time she had something in her eye. she walked up to me like it was the most normal thing in the world and put her face in mine and pulled down her low-lid and asked, "is there something in my eye?"
and there was and she asked me to get it out for. she stood there and didn't even blink as i gladly stuck my finger in her eye (very gently) and fished out the eyelash. she didn't blink because she trusted me.
trust, affection, love.

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